Jeffrey M. Brauer
Professor of Political Science and Faculty Coordinator of First Year Seminar
Social and Behavioral Sciences | Turock School of Arts and Sciences
Professor Jeff Brauer came to Keystone in 1997 after teaching at Close-Up, a non-profit organization located in Washington, D.C. that provides civics education for young people. During the Clinton Administration, he also worked for USAID, an organization within the State Department that focuses on international economic development.
The Binghamton, N.Y. native graduated in 1993 as valedictorian of the University of Scranton’s College of Arts and Sciences with bachelor’s degrees in public administration/ public affairs and history. He attended graduate school and directed the International Student Program at the College of St. Rose in Albany, N.Y., obtaining a master’s degree in history and political science in 1996.
Jeff joined the Keystone faculty in 1997.
Education – Degrees & Certifications
- University of Scranton, BS, Public Administration and Public Affairs, History
- The College of Saint Rose, MA, History and Political Science
“Politics, at its core, is about how people make decisions concerning issues that impact their lives. I tell students that, by virtue of being a human being, they know quite a bit about politics before they even take their first political science course.” ~ Professor Jeff Brauer
Political Expertise
Jeff has been recognized nationally for his expertise, often being interviewed and quoted by the local, state, and national news media, including NBC News, Fox Business News, Real Clear Politics, and The Atlantic Magazine, New York Post, and The Philadelphia Inquirer.
Political Science professor Jeffrey Brauer named 2020 Chamberlin Chair
Keystone College President Tracy L. Brundage, Ph.D. announced that Jeffrey M. Brauer, professor of political science, has been named the 2020 recipient of the Margaretta Belin Chamberlin Chair Award for Distinguished Faculty Service.
Professor Jeff Brauer quoted in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Professor Jeff Brauer quoted in the Washington Examiner
Professor Jeff Brauer quoted in Scranton Times article

Jeff enjoys teaching at Keystone because of the students
For Professor Jeff Brauer, teaching at Keystone College is a unique and gratifying experience because of the immense diversity of the students on campus.
Teaching students and participating in community organizations, such as Friends of the Poor and the ARC, are important to Jeff because they help promote justice and peace and improve people’s lives.
“I often tell students the most important aspect of a college education isn’t just the grade you get in a particular course, although academics are very important, but the experiences and interactions you have with other people that help prepare you for the rest of your life.”
- Political Analyst, print news and television/radio news programs, including Fox News 2017, PCN Election 2016, The Atlantic 2016, New York Post 2016, Newsmax 2016, Washington Examiner 2016, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review 2016, Wilkes-Barre Times Leader 2016-2017, PA LIVE! 2013, WBRE News 2012, NBC Nightly News in 2008
- Speaker, State of the Union Watch Party (2012)
- Featured Speaker, Northeastern Pennsylvania Marriage Equality Vigil (2013)
- Student Leadership Conference Facilitator; Northeast Regional Penn State (1998, 99, 2000, 01), King’s College (2000, 09), Keystone College (2000), LaSalle High School (2002)
- Co-Director/Facilitator, LaSallian Youth Service and Leadership Conference (2000, 03, 06)
- Diversity Facilitator, Natl LaSallian Volunteers, Philadelphia/Chicago (2007, 08, 10, 12, 13)
- Presenter; “Any Course Can Become a Diversity Course”; Faculty Symposium (2012)
- Presenter, Globalization and Diversity Conference, University of Scranton (2002)
- Presenter, Gay Marriage; Annual Pennsylvania Political Science Association Conference (2004
- Presenter, Improving University Teaching International Conference, Pittsburgh (2005)
- Presenter, PA State Conference of the National Association for Multicultural Education (2006)
- Presenter, Natl Social Science Assn Professional Development Conference, New Orleans (2013)
- Panelist, PA State Representatives; Youth & Government Day (2005, 06, 07, 08, 09, 11, 12, 13)
- Panelist; “Electoral Process” and “General” Panels; State Representative Sid Michaels Kavulich’s Youth and Government Forum (2012, 13)
- Panelist, Social and Educational Impact of the 2008 Presidential Election; NEPDEC (2009)
- Panelist, Senator Bob Casey LGBT Roundtable, United States Senate, Washington, DC (2009)
Conferences Attended
- Participated in Sexual Assault Bystander Training, Keystone College (2016)
- Attended the National Social Science Association Technology Conference, Las Vegas, NV (2014)
- Attended the International Equality Forum, Philadelphia, PA (2014)
- Attended a private reception with President Obama and VP Biden, Scranton, PA (2013)
- Attended the LGBT Family Services Conference, Wilkes-Barre, PA (2013)
- Quoted in well over 200 newspaper/magazine articles, including The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Advocate, Real Clear Politics, The Huffington Post, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review and many more
- Numerous Guest Columns, Scranton Times-Tribune and Wilkes-Barre Times Leader
- Paper, “The 1949 German Basic Law; Preventive Measure Against Another Third Reich” (1992)
- Chapter; “Integrating Political Science, Emergency Management, and Service Learning” (2004)
- Textbook Review, World Regional Geography (abridged ed.), Pulsipher and Pulsipher (2008)
- Textbook Review, Public Policymaking (8th ed.), Anderson (2012)
- Essay, “Diffused Impacts of Electoral Systems; Proportional Representation as the Best of All Options for the American Presidency” (2013)
- Instructors Manual, Public Policymaking (8th ed.), Anderson (2014)
- Best of the Abingtons College Professor, The Abington Journal 2011, 2012
- Who’s Who Among Country-America Teachers
- Keystone College Administrator of the Year Nominee (1999, 2000, 2001)
- Honors Award for History and Political Science (Top Student, Graduate School)
- Frank O’Hara Award (Top CAS Student, Junior and Senior Years)
- Award for Excellence in Public Administration (Senior Year)
- General Motors Liberal Arts Excellence Award (Sophomore Year)
- Five Academic Honor Societies, including Alpha Sigma Nu (National Jesuit)
- High School Valedictorian and Class President (4 years)
- Public Policy
- State and Local Government
- Civic Responsibility
- International Relations
- Comparative Government
- Freshmen Year Seminar
- Social Science Field Experience